Mutiplex Twinstar

Part # 21 4037  $96.99

  • Wingspan: 56 inches
  • Length: 39 inches
  • Weight approx.: 49 oz
  • Controls: A/E/R/M
  • Power: 2 Speed 400 motors
Twin Star  means FLYING FUN for everyone!
The new model in the style of a small business-twin. Perfect for training nearly everywhere. The Twin Star is almost ready to fly, final assembly and radio installation in LESS THAN 2 HOURS!

Building - No problem  
The ARTF model can be completed ready to fly in one evening.

No complex technology = no stress
Everything fits together perfectly: model, radio control system, power system and accessories.

Twin Star - quite simply the ideal way to get the fun out of flying! 
Twin Star is highly stable in flight, easy to control and so maneuverable that it can be flown on any fair-sized field. Assembling the model is very simple and requires no special tools and little modeling knowledge. NO SANDING, NO PAINTING - and NO MESS! 

Kit includes motors, propellers and motor wiring. Just add a radio control system, speed controller, and battery.


Suggested Accessories

Part Number Description Price
7 5023 Pico Duo Speed Controller w/ MPX Plug $63.30
7 5024 Pico Duo Speed Controller w/ UNI Plug $63.30



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