Messerschmitt ME-110


Kit contents: White fiberglass  fuselage, obechi sheeted foam wing and tail, balsa fins, plywood parts vacuum formed canopy, motor cowls and covers, landing gears, tailwheel, main landing wheels and hardware.

Recommended accessories: 2 x VM 24/10 or SPEED 700, 2 x motor mount (No: 2000), 80A speed controller, covering material, decals (No:1003/1), 2 x prop 8x4 - 9x5, 2 x prop adapter (No: 2005).

RC FUNCTIONS: Ailerons, Elevator, Rudder, Motor 
Wing span:  67 inches
Length: 50 inches
Wing area: 699 sq. inches
Airfoil: NACA 2415
E powered version
Weight:  6.5 lb. to 7.7 lb.
Glow powered version
Weight:  5.5 lb. to 6.5 lb.

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