Hellcat Speed 400 Span: 30" Length: 23" Wing Area: 168 SQ IN Weight RTF: 18 OZ
The Hellcat Speed 400 was featured as a construction project in the July, 1997 issue of Model Airplane News. It's a moderately easy to build warbird of balsa and foam construction. It's designed for a 6V Speed 400 motor on 7 or 8 cells, but it can also be powered by the new AstroFlight 020 brushless motor for even more impressive performance. This is a complete laser-cut kit, and high quality Sig balsa is used throughout. Fuselage construction is conventional balsa, and the wing is foam sheeted with 1/32 balsa. For best performance, I recommend the following flight hardware: 6V Speed 400 motor, Graupner #1328 prop adapter, Graupner 6 X 4 prop, 7 or 8-cell KR-600AE or N-500AR battery pack, 20 amp BEC speed controller and micro radio gear. The kit includes all materials needed for construction:
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