deHavilland Twin Otter



Wingspan: 65"
Area: 455 sq."
Power: Two geared speed 480 to 600 or Phasor 15/4
 Or,  two glo 0.10  2 cycle
Weight: 4.5 to 5.5 lbs
Wing loading: 22.8 to 27.8 oz per sq. feet
Radio: 4 channels
Balsa and Lite ply construction

Power system used on model shown:

Motors: Kyosho 7.2 V speed 480 (#6304 Graupner) in parallel
Gearboxes: Maxx 2.5:1 gear box (modified to fit speed 480 motor)
Propellers: Master Airscrew 10-6 wood electric propeller
Batteries: 8-2000 Mah and 10-1800 Mah battery
ESC: Schulze 35e

This is an all balsa and poplar plywood build up plane with clear front windows. The kit features laser cut interlocking parts and includes all the balsa and plywood necessary to complete the model. Plans are full size CAD drawn on two sheets, showing all the parts in full size. The building manual with photos and sketches will guide you through the construction process. You would have to acquire the hardware, landing gear, motors, electronics and the usual supplies to complete the kit.

The plane is easy to fly and very stable. It flies slow and therefore is suited for scale like flying.  Twins are especially well suited for electric power since the motors will always turn at practically the same RPM with little chance of  one motor quitting on you. The fuselage is made from laser cut formers and 1/4" balsa sticks. The wing is conventional flat bottom with leading and trailing edge sheeting.  It flies off short grass with the electric power configuration. A large frontal hatch allows for easy battery access.

Get your Twin Otter today, decorate it with one of the many scale coloring schemes available, power it with electric or glo and impress your flying buddies




Welcome To Texas Air Services specializing in the De Havilland DHC-6 Twin Otter







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