Canadair CL-415

Wingspan: 72"

Area: 576 sq."

Power: Two geared speed 600 or

two glo 0.15 2c, 0.30 4c

Weight: 5.5 to 7.0 lbs

Wing loading: 22 to 28 oz per sq. feet

Radio: 4 channels

Power system used on model shown:

Motors: 2-magnetic Mayhems.(speed 600)

Gearboxes: Master Airscrew 2.5:1

Propellers:11-6 Zingers, wood

Batteries:16-2000 Mah in series.

ESC: Astro Flight 217 (non BEC)

This is an all balsa and poplar plywood, except for the tip floats, build up plane. The kit features laser cut

interlocking parts and includes all the balsa and plywood necessary to complete the model plus fiberglass cowls. Plans are full size CAD drawn on two sheets, showing all the parts in full size. A 14 page building manual with photos and sketches is included. You would have to acquire the hardware, motors, electronics and the usual supplies to complete the kit.

The plane is an easy and very stable flyer but does require intermediate building skills to build. It flies of short grass with the electric power configuration and water take offs and landings are a breeze with either electric or glo. There is space for a 4 oz fuel tank in each nacelle which are easily accessible via a top hatch. The front top of the fuselage has a hatch as well for easy battery changes when powered with electric motors.

Electric or glo, water or land this 72" twin is sure to please you and the onlookers as well.



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